Some elec­tric­ity has been restored and most roads have been reopened fol­low­ing that tor­nado that dev­as­tated much of the vil­lage of Cloverdale and sur­round­ing areas.

Put­nam County offi­cials say elec­tric­ity has been restored to the vil­lage of Cloverdale, although many res­i­dences are still with­out elec­tric­ity due to the extent of dam­age to the homes.

Dri­vers are reminded that Put­nam County Road 21-H between Put­nam County roads I-17 and I-18, and Put­nam County Road 19, between Put­nam County Road H and Ohio 613 will remained closed through the day today.

Mean­while, dona­tions and vol­un­teers are still needed. The vil­lage is in need of rakes, trash bags, snow shov­els, mov­ing boxes and five-gallon buck­ets. Items can be dropped off at Oak Haven Res­i­den­tial Care Cen­ter.

Vol­un­teers were being asked late Thurs­day to dress for the weather and meet at St. Barbara’s Parish Hall this morning.

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