Combatting crime with cameras at Defiance parks

As they try to curb van­dal­ism, mem­bers of Defi­ance City Coun­cil have approved the instal­la­tion of video sur­veil­lance equip­ment in city parks.
The equip­ment will be inst­lalled at Kings­bury, Latty’s Grove and River­side Parks. The secu­rity firmADT will do the instal­la­tion. The cost of those instal­la­tions will cost just under 11 thou­sand dol­lars. They’ll also put them in at Bron­son, Wertz and Hol­gate Avenue parks, which will be done by Metase­cure. That instal­la­tion will tally up at 16 thou­sand two hun­dred dol­lars. There is also a three year con­tract for mon­i­tory at a cost of 67 hun­dred dollars

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