Common pleas court busy on Christmas Eve

On Christ­mas Eve, Defi­ance Com­mon Pleas court was open. 32-year-old Kadena Brooks was sen­tenced to four years of com­mu­nity con­trol after leav­ing her hand­i­capped 13-year-old daugh­ter unat­tended for an extended period of time last February.
Nearly all the other cases involved drugs.
Two women con­victed on heroin pos­ses­sion charges were sen­tenced to com­mu­nity con­trol. 34-year-old Jes­sica Lav­i­gne and 22-year-old Shuntel Tilot had heroin on July 17th when one of the women called 911 to report the other had overdosed.
Michelle Muniz got three years com­mu­nity con­trol for per­mit­ting drug abuse. Vic­to­ria Raya was sen­tenced to four years com­mu­nity con­trol after con­vic­tion on heroin traf­fick­ing. James Schmidt Jr. was sen­tenced to two years com­mu­nity con­trol for sell­ing, pur­chas­ing, dis­trib­ut­ing or deliv­er­ing dan­ger­ous drugs.
Sev­eral oth­ers will be sen­tenced at a later date. Shan­non and James Krae­gal pleaded guilty to heroin charges.
43-year-old Teofilo Casiano pleaded not guilty to aggra­vated bur­glary. Bond was set at $750,000 cash with a 10 per­cent allowance pro­vi­sion and pre­trial hear­ing is set for Jan­u­ary 14th.

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