If you live in the vil­lage of Con­ti­nen­tal, you are advised to boil your water before you use it for cook­ing or drink­ing pur­poses.

A boil alert was put into effect for Con­ti­nen­tal res­i­dents Wednes­day after­noon fol­low­ing a water main break in the vil­lage.

The alert was issued for res­i­dents on the south side of the rail road tracks. As a pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sure, those res­i­dents are advised to boil water before using it for drink­ing, cook­ing and oral hygiene for the next 48 hours.

For more infor­ma­tion con­tact the vil­lage water depart­ment at 419–596-3822.

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