Stryker Police Chief Steve Schlosser, already sen­tenced in court, received addi­tional dis­ci­pline from vil­lage coun­cil at their meet­ing Mon­day for his involve­ment in the killing of stray cats.

The chief had been fined $500 plus court costs after plead­ing no con­test to a first-degree mis­de­meanor May 24.

Yes­ter­day, Stryker Vil­lage Coun­cil con­ducted a pub­lic hear­ing to deter­mine whether or not Schlosser should keep his job as the chief of police. More than 60 peo­ple showed up accord­ing to the Bryan Times.

Coun­cil voted unan­i­mously to hand Schlosser a two-week sus­pen­sion with­out pay.

Coun­cil also agreed to spread the sus­pen­sion out over a 10-week period, on non-consecutive days.

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