North­west State Com­mu­nity College’s cam­pus is air con­di­tioned and open to the pub­lic through­out the sum­mer as a cool­ing sta­tion.

High tem­per­a­tures and humid­ity can make for long days, local res­i­dents in need of a place to get out of the heat are invited to use North­west State Com­mu­nity College’s main cam­pus in Archobld as a cool­ing cen­ter.

There are numer­ous places on cam­pus for area res­i­dents to relax.

Build­ing hours are 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday For more infor­ma­tion or direc­tions visit or call 419.267.5511.

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