Cordoba Trial Delayed Until November

Romualdo Cor­doba Jr. will stand trial for mur­der in the April 25 shoot­ing
death of Joshua McJil­ton but that trial will not be held next month. In Ful­ton County Court on Tues­day, Judge James Bar­ber approved a request for delay dur­ing a pre-trial hear­ing. Now, a two-day jury trial has been resched­uled
from Sept. 9 to Nov. 2. The Bryan Times reports that defense attor­neys argued suc­cess­fully, that Wauseon Police failed to com­ply with a sub­poena to release sur­veil­lance video related to the inves­ti­ga­tion. They also said that new wit­nesses had come for­ward. Cor­doba mean­while, has waived his right to a speedy trial, and is in cus­tody at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio. The 38 year old Arch­bold man is accused of stalk­ing his wife fol­low­ing a domes­tic dis­pute in April, which led to the charges he is fac­ing now.

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