Crash Injures 4-Year-Old

A Pauld­ing County girl was sent to Parkview Med­ical Cen­ter in Fort Wayne Mon­day morn­ing fol­low­ing a two-vehicle crash.

The 4-year-old Antwerp girl’s name has not been released by troop­ers, who say that a vehi­cle dri­ven by 27 year old Brenda Den­ni­son of Antwerp, appar­ently pulled into the path of another vehi­cle at an inter­sec­tion. The sec­ond vehi­cle was dri­ven by 75 year old Roger Ben­net of Bryan.

The young child was a pas­sen­ger in the vehi­cle dri­ven by Den­ni­son, who was cited for OVI, fail­ure to yield, dri­ving under sus­pen­sion, fic­ti­tious reg­is­tra­tion and no child restraint.

Ben­nett was report­edly not injured.

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