Crime Stoppers offers reward in Swanton theft

Ful­ton County Crime Stop­pers is offer­ing up to a $1,000 reward for help iden­ti­fy­ing whomever broke into a boat and cabin on Ful­ton County Road 1–2 in Swan­ton. The crime occurred some time between Decem­ber first and Decem­ber 19th. The stolen items include a GPS, CD radio, and fish­ing equip­ment total­ing $2,700. Any­one with infor­ma­tion about the theft is asked to call Crime Stop­pers. You will remain anony­mous, and could receive up to $1,000 reward.

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State dignitaries to attend ground breaking ceremony for Bryan City Schools.

Several state dignitaries plan on attending the upcoming groundbreaking for Bryan City Schools expansion project. …