Dairy Days Are Here Again!

Dairy Days is hap­pen­ing right now at his­toric Sauder Vil­lage.

The event began yes­ter­day and runs through Sun­day.

Dairy Days Cel­e­brates National Dairy Month and the role dairy farm­ing played in the lives of the early pio­neers and the role it plays in our lives today.

Sauder Village’s Dairy Days event fea­tures dairy-themed demon­stra­tions and activ­i­ties that all ages can enjoy. Among some of the activ­i­ties that will be offered dur­ing the 6-day cel­e­bra­tion are mak­ing but­ter­milk bis­cuits, cheese mak­ing and but­ter churn­ing.

If you attend Sauder Village’s Dairy Days on Sat­ur­day, you will also be able to see their spe­cial “Trac­tors, Trac­tors, Trac­tors” dis­play of his­toric trac­tors (from the 1920’s to 1960’s) fea­tur­ing brands like John Deere, Sil­ver King and Inter­na­tional Har­vester.

Hours for the Sauder Vil­lage events are 10 a.m — 5 p.m. Tues­day– Sat­ur­day and noon — 4 p.m. on Sun­day. Admis­sion is $15 for adults and $8 for stu­dents. Park­ing is free.

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