Deadline for “Good Citzen of the Year” award coming

The dead­line for appli­ca­tions for “Good Cit­i­zen of the Year Award” nom­i­na­tions is com­ing up soon, Feb­ru­ary 1. Nom­i­nees must have been a Bryan res­i­dent for 20 years, be active in unpaid posi­tions in orga­ni­za­tions sup­port­ing Bryan, have a lead­er­ship posi­tion in an area non­profit orga­ni­za­tion or be asso­ci­ated with an out­stand­ing accom­plish­ment in the Bryan Com­mu­nity. The Bryan Area Foun­da­tion has more info on their web­site,

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State dignitaries to attend ground breaking ceremony for Bryan City Schools.

Several state dignitaries plan on attending the upcoming groundbreaking for Bryan City Schools expansion project. …