Defiance Co. Clerk of Courts wants to keep job

Amy Gal­braith, the cur­rent Defi­ance County Clerk of Courts, wants to keep her job and has filed peti­tions to be a can­di­date on next March’s bal­lot. She was first elected in 2008, and again in 2012. She’s also served as office man­ager for the pre­vi­ous Defi­ance County pros­e­cu­tor. She’s a mem­ber of the Ohio County Clerk of Courts Asso­ci­a­tion, and is a cer­ti­fied clerk of courts.

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Fatal Crash on U.S 30. in Van Wert County.

On Wednesday, December 18th, at approximately 6:16 P.M. troopers with the Van Wert Post of …