Defiance Courthouse Project Still On Schedule Despite Minor Delays

It’s still on track…

The Defi­ance County cour­t­house ren­o­va­tion project is mov­ing for­ward on sched­ule, despite a num­ber of ques­tions raised dur­ing county com­mis­sion­ers’ meet­ing ear­lier this week, and some red tape in secur­ing a tem­po­rary loca­tion for one cour­t­house office.

Archi­tects met with com­mis­sion­ers Mon­day for about 90 min­utes to go over some ques­tions that cropped up about some of the design specs involv­ing the nearly $4.65 Mil­lion project.

How­ever, the plan remains for con­struc­tion to begin in early August, and a con­tract is sched­uled to be awarded on July 10.

One mat­ter remained unre­solved how­ever on Mon­day. County offi­cials are wait­ing for offi­cial word from the state on plans to tem­porar­ily house the county title depart­ment in down­town Defi­ance.

A lease for the build­ing has been secured, and now county offi­cials are just wait­ing for con­fir­ma­tion from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehi­cles in Colum­bus that the loca­tion is acceptable.

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