The Defi­ance County Fair Foun­da­tion received a $100,000 dona­tion from the Justin Cores­sel Foun­da­tion for phase 2 of the grand­stand project.

It marked the sec­ond $100,000 dona­tion from the Cores­sel foun­da­tion.

The fair foun­da­tion has been rais­ing funds for the grand­stand project for sev­eral years. The project is being com­pleted in two phases with phase 1 being con­struc­tion of the new grand­stand in 2010 and phase 2 includ­ing new restrooms and beau­ti­fi­ca­tion of the area.

The grand­stand will be named in honor of Cores­sel.

efforts are still con­tin­u­ing for phase 2, which is esti­mated to cost $450,000-$500,000.

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