Defiance Meat Company Issues Recall

A mas­sive recall of some local meat prod­ucts… Jacob’s Qual­ity Meats, of Defi­ance has issued a vol­un­tary recall of some 430 pounds of shred­ded beef because it was pro­duced with­out inspec­tion and mis­branded. Also included in the recall is approx­i­mately 45 pounds of sand­wich spread, poten­tially labeled as ham salad. The sand­wich spread con­tains eggs and milk, which are known aller­gens that are not declared on the prod­uct label. The prod­ucts sub­ject to recall include:

• Shred­ded Beef — Indi­vid­ual 5 pound con­tain­ers and

• Sand­wich Spread or Ham salad — Indi­vid­ual 5 pound con­tain­ers.

The shred­ded beef prod­uct was pro­duced between July 26, 2013 and June 10 of this year, and pack­aged with two dif­fer­ent labels. Labels include the Jacob’s Qual­ity Meats label with the facility’s estab­lish­ment num­ber 1015 inside the Ohio mark of inspec­tion. The sec­ond recall involves a retail only label that does not bear the mark of inspec­tion. The sand­wich spread or ham salad was pro­duced between Decem­ber 10, 2014 and July 1st of this year, and was labeled with a retail only label that does not bear the mark of inspec­tion. The prod­ucts were sold at three busi­nesses in the Defi­ance area:

• Newman’s Carry Out on Ral­ston Avenue

• White Pines Golf Course in Swanton

• Glen Park of Defiance

The recall does not include prod­ucts sold through the retail store at Jacob’s Qual­ity Meats in Defi­ance. Jacob’s Qual­ity Meats says any­one who pur­chased the prod­ucts should dis­card it or return it to the com­pany. Those with ques­tions should call (419) 782‑7831.

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