Defiance Woman Hurt In Crash

A woman from Defi­ance was injured when her vehi­cle slammed into a util­ity pole on a snow and ice cov­ered road in Noble Town­ship.

Police say it hap­pened Wednes­day morn­ing as 21 year old Bethany Inbody was headed east on Ohio 15 and her vehi­cle went out of con­trol, off the right side of the road, and then hit the util­ity pole and traf­fic sign.

Inbody was taken by ambu­lance to ProMed­ica Defi­ance Regional Hos­pi­tal for treat­ment. She was also cited for fail­ure to con­trol. Her vehi­cle sus­tained heavy damage.

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