A Wood County deputy is reported to be seri­ously injured fol­low­ing a two-vehicle crash involv­ing an 18 year old woman from Defi­ance.

The Ohio High­way Patrol has released a report say­ing that the crash Wednes­day evening just after 6:30 on Ohio 281 and Huff­man Road in Wood County.

Police say a south­bound marked patrol car dri­ven by Wood County Sheriff’s Deputy Josh Augs­burger failed to yield and was hit by an east­bound vehi­cle dri­ven by 18 year old Krys­ten King of Defi­ance.

Augs­burger was taken by air ambu­lance to Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­ical Cen­ter, Toledo. King was taken to Wood county Hos­pi­tal in Bowl­ing Green with minor injures.

Police say dam­age was heavy to both vehi­cles and the inves­ti­ga­tion into that crash continues.

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