Defiance YMCA Bomb Scare

The Defi­ance Area YMCA was evac­u­ated late Wednes­day after­noon due to a bomb threat. It was just before 6pm when the Y got a phone call from a man who said there was a bomb in the build­ing. The facil­ity was evac­u­ated, and offi­cers scoured the premises, but found noth­ing. Peo­ple were allowed back in after the search. The inves­ti­ga­tion is under­way, and so far, police know that the call was made from a pre-paid cell phone. The whole ordeal lasted about an hour. As the inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues, any­one with any infor­ma­tion is being asked to con­tact police at 419–784-5050.

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