Delinquent Water Bills A Source Of Concern In Defiance

In Defi­ance, delin­quent water accounts are becom­ing an issue.

Coun­cil, dur­ing their reg­u­lar meet­ing, was made aware that while the per­cent­age of delin­quent accounts isn’t huge right now, it is a prob­lem that needs to be addressed.

A com­mit­tee meet­ing has been sched­uled for 6:30 p.m. July 15 in the city ser­vice build­ing to dis­cuss the water mat­ter in more detail.

$70,000… that’s the amount that is appar­ently delin­quent at this time accord­ing to some. Oth­ers put the fig­ure at around $44,000, although it’s unclear why there is such a wide dis­crep­ancy.

Either way, it’s not a huge amount, con­sid­er­ing the annual water and sewer rev­enues in Defi­ance add up to around $8 Mil­lion, but all agree that it does need attention.

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