Democrat, 81, resigns from Defiance County Board of Elections

The Defi­ance County Board of Elec­tions said good­bye to Joanna Diehl, who stepped down from her posi­tion on Decem­ber 31st. The 81-year-old Demo­c­rat fin­ished her sec­ond 4-year term. Pre­vi­ously, she served for seven years as the direc­tor of the county’s board of elec­tions office in the 1980s, and at one time was its deputy direc­tor. Her replace­ment will be cho­sen by the Defi­ance County Demo­c­ra­tic Party.

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Funding awarded to NW Ohio conservation project.

The Ohio Public Works Commission announced that funding has been awarded to a Lucas County …