Dog Disappearance Said To Be Suspicious

A dog owner and her dogs are back together again. A cou­ple of weeks ago, Tatiana Lee and her boyfriend Tyler Hutchin­son, were at her home in Bryan when they let their two dogs out the front door for a cou­ple of min­utes unsu­per­vised. Within those cou­ple min­utes, the dogs were gone with­out a trace. The Bryan Times reports that the cou­ple began search­ing every­where, but couldn’t find the dogs. They then posted fly­ers offer­ing a reward for the safe return of the two dogs. One of the dogs was found, about thirty miles away, in Wauseon. The other turned up in Toledo after a woman called and said she found the dog on the side of the road in Defi­ance, cov­ered in ticks and fleas. They paid the reward, but also got the license num­ber of the woman’s vehi­cle after they felt that some­thing wasn’t just right. They filed police reports, and now say they believe some­one took the dogs to either col­lect a reward or to use them in a dog fight. The cou­ple says they have no doubt the dogs were stolen. Bryan Police and the Williams County Sheriff’s office are both look­ing into it.

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