Dog Saves Occupants In Defiance Fire

Flames Sun­day morn­ing destroyed a rural Defi­ance home.

Fire­fight­ers were called out Sun­day morn­ing around 7:20 to the home of Tim and Angie Mor­ris on Defi­ance County Road 424.

Fire crews remained on the scene until 1 p.m.

Inves­ti­ga­tors say the fam­ily dog alerted every­one to the smell of smoke.

They say the fire was due to elec­tri­cal over­load, and appears to have started above the elec­tri­cal panel and spread into the attic of the single-story home.

Dam­age was esti­mated at approx­i­mately $120,000.

All fam­ily mem­bers were able to get out with­out get­ting hurt. One Delaware Town­ship fire­man was injured by falling on the ice. He was taken to ProMed­ica Defi­ance Regional Hos­pi­tal for treatment.

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