“Don’t play Pokemon Go near substations” utility warns

This Pokemon Go craze is big. It’s the most downloaded app, even surpassing Candy Crush. There’s been bizarre stories already this week about people playing the real-world game on their smartphone, in places that they really shouldn’t be, like the National Holocaust Museum and Auschwitz.
Now here at home, North Western Electric Cooperative is warning people to not play Pokemon near their substations.
The warning comes after officials learned “Pokemon Go” players have suggested electric-type Pokemon might be available near substations and transformers. The co-op says never attempt to climb poles or fences to enter into a substation. They are extremely dangerous places and are not gaming locations. The President and CEO Darin Thorp is really concerned about someone dying while playing this game near their substations. Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative and American Electric Power put out similar statements yesterday.

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