The Defi­ance County Fair­grounds will be dec­o­rated this Decem­ber in cel­e­bra­tion of the Christ­mas sea­son.

This year will mark the first year of the cel­e­bra­tion at the fair­grounds.

On Dec. 6–8 and 12–14 from 6–10 p.m., the pub­lic is wel­come to come on out and visit the first Christ­mas Light Cruise-Thru and Hol­i­day Fes­ti­val. The project is spon­sored and paid for by Denise Sut­ter of Alliance Tax Ser­vices and the Defi­ance County Fair Board.

Admis­sion will be a good-will offer­ing, with dona­tions going to ben­e­fit the fair­grounds’ build­ing projects.

The fair­grounds will be dec­o­rated with dis­plays of lights and dec­o­ra­tions. and those dri­ving through will enjoy those lights and dec­o­ra­tions from the warmth of their vehi­cles.

Vis­i­tors will also have the option of park­ing their cars and tak­ing a horse-drawn car­riage ride while lis­ten­ing to Christ­mas music.

Hot dogs, chicken sand­wiches, pop­corn and bev­er­ages will be avail­able.

There will also be live enter­tain­ment inside the multi-purpose building.

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