Driver Injured In Crash With Liquid Fertilizer Trailer

A dri­ver from Indi­ana was crit­i­cally injured Fri­day, when his trac­tor trailer slammed into a pick-up truck haul­ing liq­uid fer­til­izer. The crash hap­pend early Fri­day after­noon on U.S. 24 when the semi dri­ven by 75 year old Dana Cox of Indi­ana hit a tank trailer haul­ing liq­uid fer­til­izer that was being pulled by a pick-up truck dri­ven by 35 year old David Bok Jr.,of Defi­ance. Cox had to be pulled from the cab by emer­gency per­son­nel. He was flown to Toledo Hos­pi­tal with crit­i­cal injuries. Bok was taken, with minor injuries, to a local hos­pi­tal where he was treated and released.

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