Michi­gan Author­i­ties have recov­ered the body of a 36-year-old man who dis­ap­peared after jump­ing into the water last Wednes­day to save an 8-year old boy. Searchers found the body Sat­ur­day after­noon around 2:30pm.

A woman called 911 Wednes­day evening, say­ing her boyfriend and son were in the water off the beach in Berlin Town­ship, about 30 miles north­east of Toledo.

The cou­ple and their three and eight year old boys ages 3 and 8 were on an unan­chored boat, when the 8-year-old, who was wear­ing a life jacket, jumped into the water but couldn’t return to the boat. The man jumped in to save the child, but never surfaced.

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