A man from Cal­i­for­nia is fac­ing felony drug charges after Ohio State High­way Patrol troop­ers seized a kilo of cocaine, worth an esti­mated $84,000 fol­low­ing a traf­fic stop in Williams County.

Troop­ers on Tues­day stopped a car with Wash­ing­ton plates for a traf­fic on Inter­state 80.

A prob­a­ble cause search of the car turned up a large speaker with an elec­tronic com­part­ment con­tain­ing a kilo of cocaine in the vehicle’s trunk.

The dri­ver, 41 year old Genaro Rodriguez of Cal­i­for­nia was charged with pos­ses­sion and traf­fick­ing in cocaine, first-degree felonies and pos­ses­sion of crim­i­nal tools, a fifth-degree felony.

Rodriguez was locked up at CCNO. If con­victed, he could be star­ing at up to 21 years in prison along with over $42,000 in fines.

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