Drug arrests follow failure to signal a turn

Three peo­ple were arrested on drug charges after they were pulled over in a traf­fic stop for fail­ing to sig­nal a turn. The arrests hap­pened on North Cherry Street about 2 a.m. Sun­day. The OSP trooper said one pas­sen­ger had drug para­pher­na­lia, which led to a search.

Drugs were found dur­ing a search by a drug-sniffing dog.

Deann Grimes and Brain Ash­ton Jr., each with no known address, were arrested and charged with pos­ses­sion of mar­i­juana and drug para­pher­na­lia. Both were later released on their own recognizance.

Thomas Mas­ters of Bryan was arrested and charged with OVI and pos­ses­sion of methamphetamine.

Mas­ters was also cited for the turn sig­nal vio­la­tion and fail­ure to dis­play a reg­is­tra­tion sticker on his front license plate before he was also released.

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