Edgerton Appoints Treasurer

The Edger­ton Local board of Edu­ca­tion held a spe­cial meet­ing Thurs­day morn­ing to fill the posi­tion of trea­surer.

The board approved con­tin­u­ing the shared ser­vice agree­ment with the Edon North­west Board of Edu­ca­tion for the employ­ment of dis­trict trea­surer. At their Dec. 9 meet­ing, the Edon North­west board approved the appoint­ment of William Blakely to that posi­tion.

The Cre­sent News reports that the board also took action to have past trea­surer Kerry Sam­ples pro­vide sup­port on an as-needed basis for Blakely.

Blakely, who is also cur­rently the fis­cal offi­cer for the vil­lage of Edger­ton, will begin his new respon­si­bil­i­ties effec­tive Jan. 1, 2015, and will receive his treasurer’s cer­tifi­cate Feb. 28.

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