Some Edger­ton res­i­dents expressed con­cern Tues­day to Edger­ton Vil­lage Coun­cil about a new busi­ness in town.

That busi­ness, accord­ing to The Bryan Times, is Bizarro… a place that sells pot­pourri, a syn­thetic ver­sion of mar­i­juana. Even though vil­lage lead­ers aren’t thrilled with the new shop, they say that what is being sold there tech­ni­cally isn’t ille­gal.

Nev­er­the­less, vil­lage offi­cials told those con­cerned that the Edger­ton Police Depart­ment, the vil­lage itself, and other agen­cies have already been involved, and the busi­ness has already been served an evic­tion notice.

The syn­thetic drugs being sold at Bizarro are not reg­u­lated by the Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion and are made from chem­i­cals and com­pounds not meant for human con­sump­tion, which can have seri­ous health con­se­quences, accord­ing to town offi­cials, who say they are doing their best to get it out of Edger­ton.

They say when the build­ing was first rented, the prospec­tive ten­ants mis­rep­re­sented the busi­ness as a T-Shirt shop.

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