Edgerton To Install New Software

Edger­ton Coun­cil this week, approved the third read­ing of an ordi­nance autho­riz­ing a con­tract for data pro­cess­ing soft­ware, train­ing, con­ver­sion, instal­la­tion and related hard­ware. The new sys­tem will be installed before the end of the year.

Coun­cil also passed the final read­ing of a res­o­lu­tion autho­riz­ing an appli­ca­tion for par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Ohio Pub­lic Works Com­mis­sion State Cap­i­tal Improve­ment or local trans­porta­tion pro­grams, to fund the main­te­nance and paint­ing of the water tow­ers at a final cost of $340,000.

Edger­ton also this week, reached a pole attach­ment agree­ment with Time Warner Cable, which will bring in just over $11,000 per year to the elec­tric department.

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