Elderly Woman Found After Silver Alert

Indi­ana State Police say the Auburn woman who was the sub­ject of a Sil­ver Alert was con­fused and dis­ori­ented when a trooper pulled her over near Peru. 79-year-old Car­olin Carteaux was then taken to Dukes Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal in Peru for an eval­u­a­tion. State Police say they pulled the car over because it was trav­el­ing about 15 miles per hour in a 60 miles per hour zone. The trooper says he turned on his lights and siren to try and stop the car but it con­tin­ued on for another three miles. When finally stopped, Carteaux didn’t know where she had come from or where she was trav­el­ing to. The sil­ver alert for Carteaux was issued on Tues­day when she failed to show up for a bus trip from Auburn to Fire­keep­ers Casino in Bat­tle Creek.

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