Employment Figures Released

Fig­ures just released by the Ohio Depart­ment of Job and Fam­ily Ser­vices show the unem­ploy­ment rate in north­west Ohio drop­ping from March to April.

The fig­ures released this week show north­west Ohio’s not sea­son­ally adjusted unem­ploy­ment rates were all below 6 per­cent last month, with just two coun­ties, Ful­ton and Henry, com­ing in above the state’s not sea­son­ally adjusted rate of 5.3 per­cent. All six coun­ties in our region were below the national not sea­son­ally adjusted rate of 5.9 per­cent for April.

In Williams County, unem­ploy­ment stands at 5.1 per­cent, down from 5.7 per­cent in March.

Defi­ance County’s rate went from 5.9 per­cent in March to 4.9 per­cent in April.

Henry County’s rate dropped 1.4 per­cent from March to 5.8 per­cent in April.

In Pauld­ing County, the rate dropped to 4.6 per­cent in April, com­pared with 5.9 per­cent in March.

All these num­bers how­ever, are per­haps not what they appear. Some experts attribute the drop in unem­ploy­ment, both here and in many areas across the coun­try, to the fact that peo­ple are pulling up stakes and look­ing for jobs else­where, while oth­ers have sim­ply dropped out of the job mar­ket after giv­ing up on try­ing to find a job.

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