Escapee Sought

A fugi­tive escaped from the Lenawee County Court Lock-up Tues­day morn­ing, and author­i­ties say he could be in our area.

27-year-old Scott War­ren Hen­ning walked out of the cour­t­house in Adrian around 10:15 yes­ter­day morn­ing, when the lock on a cell mal­func­tioned. Hen­ning was serv­ing 93 days in jail for vio­lat­ing his pro­ba­tion on a reck­less dri­ving charge.

He’s described as hav­ing light brownish-blonde hair with blue eyes, approx­i­mately 5’11 and weigh­ing 180 lbs. He is orig­i­nally from Swan­ton.

If you have any infor­ma­tion, call Crime Stop­pers at 1–877-276‑8477 or you can sub­mit a tip at

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