Peo­ple all over the region are shov­el­ing out of one snow storm today as they get set for the next one.

Accord­ing to the National Weather Ser­vice, most of our area received about two to three inches on New Year’s Day. Another two to three inches fell through most of the area yes­ter­day, and more is on the way for this week­end.

The National Weather Ser­vice is track­ing a storm that is expected in the area on Sun­day.

Fore­cast­ers say this next storm looks like it has the poten­tial to dump a lot of snow… more than the last two did.

In addi­tion to more snow on Sun­day, fore­cast­ers are also pre­dict­ing arc­tic tem­per­a­tures set­tling into north­west Ohio. Tem­per­a­tures are expected to be well below 0 into the early part of next week.

The National Weather Ser­vice says dan­ger­ous wind chills “pos­si­bly as low as 25–35 below zero could be here by Mon­day through Tues­day night.

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