Family In Need Following Fire

Sev­eral fam­i­lies are now start­ing all over after flames destroyed every­thing they owned this week near Grover Hill.

Tina How­ell lived at the home on Road 155, where she said her fam­ily has been for 82 years. Her fam­ily lost every­thing in the blaze on Mon­day.

How­ell, her sons, her mother, daugh­ter, son-in-law, and their fam­ily all lived there, along with Mary Rick­erd, when the fire broke out just before 5 Mon­day morn­ing in a util­ity room. Flames then spread through the two story home.

While the fam­ily is count­ing their bless­ings that they all got out safely, they did lose sev­eral cats in the fire, which as of now, is believed to have been caused by an elec­tri­cal prob­lem.

Right now, the Red Cross is help­ing the fam­ily with basic needs, such as food and shel­ter, but they now need to find per­ma­nent shel­ter, and new clothes.

Dona­tions can be dropped off at the Grover Hill Fire Depart­ment. Toys, pots and pans and other house­hold items are all needed.

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