Fatal Fulton Crash

A two-vehicle fatal traf­fic crash in Ful­ton County Tues­day evening…

The State High­way Patrol says it hap­pened just before 8pm at the inter­sec­tion of Ohio 109 and US 20 when a PT Cruiser slammed into a trac­tor trailer.

The iden­tity of the dri­ver of the PT Cruiser, who was pro­nounced dead at the scene, has not been released pend­ing noti­fi­ca­tion of next of kin.

The dri­ver of the truck, 38 year old Michael Vis­cuso of Wis­con­sin, was not injured.

U.S. 20 was shut down after the crash for about three hours.

The crash remains under investigation.

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