Female Pajama Wearing Burglar Indicted

A woman who police say broke into two Mont­pe­lier homes last week, was indicted Wednes­day by a Williams County grand jury. The Bryan Times reports that 35 year old Sarah Doyle ille­gally entered homes on Ran­dolph and Court Streets last Fri­day after­noon. In fact, the owner of the home on Ran­dolph Street came home to find Doyle wear­ing pajama pants in the house, and she was quite dis­ori­ented at the time. She told the home­owner that there was another per­son with her there. That’s when the home­owner went to check, and Doyle took off. Doyle, who recently moved to Mont­pe­lier from West Vir­ginia, was indicted Wednes­day on two counts of fourth-degree felony bur­glary. If con­victed on both counts, she could spend up to three years behind bars.

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