Fire At The Fire Hall

Flames broke out Sun­day evening at most likely the last place you would think might catch on fire… a fire sta­tion. The blaze was first reported just before 7 last night at the Flo­rence Town­ship Fire Depart­ment sta­tion in Edon. The cause has not yet been deter­mined and inves­ti­ga­tors from the state fire marshal’s office have been called in. The Bryan Times reports that at least two peo­ple were hurt and taken by ambu­lance to an area hos­pi­tal. The dam­age to the fire hall has been termed sig­nif­i­cant. The inves­ti­ga­tion is get­ting under­way today. The fire sta­tion was to have been a polling place for Tuesday’s elec­tion involv­ing the Edon-Northwest school dis­trict levy. Now, vot­ing has been moved to the Edon Com­mu­nity Build­ing on Park­way Street.

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