Flames have forced a Defi­ance fam­ily from their home.

The Defi­ance Fire Depart­ment was called out to 800 Jack­son Avenue and mutual aid was pro­vided by fire­fight­ers from Noble Town­ship and High­land Town­ship fire depart­ments. Also assist­ing was the Defi­ance County chap­ter of the Amer­ica Red Cross.

Inves­ti­ga­tors say the fire appears to have started at the rear of the single-family, two-story home. Dam­age was esti­mated at approx­i­mately $80,000.

One man was taken to ProMed­ica Defi­ance Regional Hos­pi­tal for smoke inhala­tion.

No cause for the blaze has been determined.

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