Two peo­ple who lived there and one fire­fighter were all injured Thurs­day morn­ing dur­ing a struc­ture fire in North­west Town­ship.

The call came in yes­ter­day just before 7am and many area fire depart­ments responded.

Williams County EMS reports that there were two adult vic­tims with burns that were described as seri­ous to crit­i­cal.

Both vic­tims were flown to the Regional Burn Cen­ter in Fort Wayne. Their names have not been released.

A North­west Town­ship fire­fighter was injured in a fall, and taken by ambu­lance to Cameron Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal in Angola. His iden­tity and con­di­tion has not been released.

Fire inves­ti­ga­tors say the home was destroyed and the cause is under inves­ti­ga­tion.

They will say that the per­son who called the fire in to 911, was wanted on a war­rant out of juve­nile court and that fig­ures into the cur­rent inves­ti­ga­tion. That person’s name has also not been released.

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