Flames Damage Bryan Home

Flames Mon­day morn­ing, caused con­sid­er­able dam­age to a home on U.S. 127 north of Bryan. It hap­pened around 2am Mon­day, and when fire­fight­ers first arrived, they found smoke com­ing from the eaves. The fire report­edly began near the wood­burner when the exhaust stack touched one of the rafters in the attic. Inves­ti­ga­tors say an upstairs bed­room was heav­ily dam­aged and the down­stairs fam­ily room also was dam­aged, much of that due to smoke and water. For­tu­nately, every­one inside was able to get out safely, and nobody was hurt. The Red Cross is assist­ing the fam­ily as they try to get back on their feet. The fam­ily did have insur­ance, accord­ing to the Bryan Times.

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