Flu Clinic Slated

North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege nurs­ing stu­dents are host­ing a Health Fair on Thurs­day. In addi­tion to health tips, the fair will fea­ture a flu shot clinic cour­tesy of the Ful­ton County Health Depart­ment. The entire event will run tomor­row from 9:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., with flu shots begin­ning at 10:30 a.m.

Flu vac­cines, both injectable and mist, will be avail­able for $40 or $55 for a high-dose vac­cine for those 65 and older. This year’s vac­cine offers addi­tional pro­tec­tion, includ­ing two “B” strains and two “A” strains of influenza.

The Health Fair will be held tomor­row in the Atrium at NSCC. It is free and open to the pub­lic. For more infor­ma­tion, visit NorthwestState.edu or call 419.267.5511.

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