FOP Golf Tourney Approaching

A reminder that the annual Fra­ter­nal Order of Police Golf Out­ing will be Sat­ur­day, June 27 at Orchard Hills Golf Course, with a shot­gun start at 8:30 a.m. Rain date is Sat­ur­day, July 25. The reg­is­tra­tion dead­line is June 25.

Door prizes will be given along with awards for the longest drive, clos­est to the pin and longest putt. This tour­na­ment is open to the pub­lic, and all pro­ceeds will ben­e­fit the Tara Arnold FOP Memo­r­ial Schol­ar­ship Fund for Williams County stu­dents. For tour­na­ment infor­ma­tion, con­tact the Bryan Police Department.

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