A Cal­i­for­nia woman has shown her sup­port for her home­town of Adrian with a pair of $1 mil­lion gifts.

Julia Argy­ros is donat­ing $1 mil­lion toward the $3.5 mil­lion cam­paign for the 150-year-old Croswell Opera House in Adrian as well as $1 mil­lion to the Adrian Schools Edu­ca­tional Foun­da­tion Arts Endow­ment.

Argy­ros and hus­band George live in New­port Beach, Calif. She’s a 1958 grad­u­ate of Adrian High School.

Argy­ros says the gift to the opera house seeks to help “pre­serve the her­itage” of the music venue and help future gen­er­a­tions enjoy what she describes as a “beau­ti­ful com­mu­nity treasure.”

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