As mil­lions of Amer­i­cans strive to deal with the eco­nomic down­turn, loss of jobs, fore­clo­sures, high cost of gas,and the ris­ing cost of pre­scrip­tion drug costs, Amer­i­can Con­sul­tants Rx has announced the re-release of the Amer­i­can Con­sul­tants Rx com­mu­nity ser­vice project which con­sists of mil­lions of free dis­count pre­scrip­tion cards being donated to thou­sands of not for profits,hospitals,schools, and churches in an effort to assist the unin­sured, under­in­sured, and seniors deal with the high cost of pre­scrip­tion drugs. One of the loca­tions in the Bryan area that received an ini­tial dona­tion of free pre­scrip­tion cards, is the Williams County Depart­ment of Job & Ser­vices. The Amer­i­can Con­sul­tants Rx dis­count pre­scrip­tion cards will be given free to any­one in need.

The cards are good at over 50k stores from Wal­green, Wal mart, Eckerd’s, Kmart, Kroger, and many more.

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