Friday Night Crash In Steuben County

Two peo­ple were hurt in a Fri­day night crash in Steuben County. It hap­pened around 10:30 Fri­day night, when 21 year old Lyn­d­sey Boyd of Cold­wa­ter, Michi­gan was south­bound on C.R. 300 W. and missed a yield sign at S.R. 120. Boyd’s car hit a truck dri­ven by 17 year old Madi­son Funk of Fre­mont. Funk’s truck then hit a util­ity pole and a tele­phone junc­tion box, finally com­ing to rest in a corn­field. Funk was pinned in her truck and had to be freed by res­cue work­ers. Boyd was taken to a Fort Wayne hos­pi­tal with injuries to her arm and leg. Funk was also taken to the hos­pi­tal with a pos­si­ble head injury. Inves­ti­ga­tors are try­ing to deter­mine if alco­hol was a fac­tor as they con­tinue to look into the cause of the crash today.

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