Frontier Hosts Celebration

Fron­tier Com­mu­ni­ca­tions hosted a cel­e­bra­tion on Thurs­day night to honor Fre­mont and Angola for becom­ing quarter-finalists in the America’s Best Com­mu­ni­ties com­pe­ti­tion, a $10 mil­lion com­pe­ti­tion designed to revi­tal­ize small towns and rural com­mu­ni­toes. Angola and Fre­mont won $50,000 for get­ting through the first round, and will learn in Jan­u­ary if they advanced to the next level, as they com­pete for the top prize of $3 Mil­lion. The two com­mu­ni­ties will work together on com­mu­nity revi­tal­iza­tion plans that have to be put together by Novem­ber 6th. Those plans include devel­op­ing the North­ern Lakes Enter­prise Cen­ter, devel­op­ing a tech­nol­ogy park in the U.S. 20/I-69 cor­ri­dor, and work­ing on the shovel ready site on Fremont’s west side.

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