Fulton Blitz Results Announced

The Ful­ton County Sheriff’s Office has released the results of a Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over traf­fic blitz which began on Aug. 15 and ended Sept. 1.

Deputies made 94 traf­fic stops and issued 50 cita­tions.

44 were speed vio­la­tions, two cita­tions for dri­ving under sus­pen­sion or revoked driver’s licenses, two stop sign vio­la­tions, one safety belt vio­la­tion and one charge for pos­ses­sion of mar­i­juana. Deputies also issued 48 warn­ings.

The blitz was paid for by a grant that the sheriff’s office received from the Ohio Depart­ment of Pub­lic Safety.

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