Fulton Fair Lists Entertainment

Some top-name enter­tain­ment is com­ing to the 2014 Ful­ton County Fair: The Doo­bie Broth­ers on Sun­day, August 31 and Lee Brice on Labor Day Mon­day. Tick­ets for these and other grand­stand shows are on sale now.

New this year, the Fair is pro­vid­ing an online box office which is acces­si­ble through the Fair’s web­site: www.fultoncountyfair.com.

With the new tick­et­ing sys­tem, you now have the added advan­tage of select­ing actual seats from the online grand­stand map as well as print­ing tick­ets. There is also an option to have printed tick­ets mailed. For those who wish to pur­chase their tick­ets in per­son at the Fair Ticket Office, they can do so as well. The Fair has posted updated, con­ve­nient Ticket Office hours on their web­site. There is also the option to print a ticket form and mail it in with pay­ment.

All Grand­stand seats to the Sun­day, August 31 Doo­bie Broth­ers con­cert and Mon­day night’s con­cert fea­tur­ing Lee Brice are reserved.

Tick­ets are on sale now by mail, online at www.fultonocountyfair.com or by call­ing 419–335-SHOW (7469). The Fair Ticket Office is also open with select day and evening hours; please check the Fair’s web­site for Ticket Office hours.

The 2014 Ful­ton County Fair runs from Fri­day, August 29, through Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 4.

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